Discoveries Along the Way: Part 2 of My Personal Odyssey, The Journey Thus Far.

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Throughout my journey, certain profound lessons have acted as pivotal milestones, shaping my perception of the world and influencing my commitment to others. These learning milestones, akin to epiphanies, have markedly contributed to my growth in three fundamental facets of life: spirituality, physical well-being, and intellectual pursuits. Additionally, these transformative experiences have extended their impact to foster growth in my relationships with others, encapsulating a holistic evolution across various dimensions of my existence.

Within the pages of this blog, my aim is to chronicle some of the significant milestones that have marked my past. This enumeration doesn’t seek to comprehensively cover each milestone but rather to compile a list of those etched in my memory at this moment. While future posts will delve deeper into these experiences, I felt compelled to articulate them now, capturing these thoughts before they dissipate from my mind.

Marginal Performance Gains

Embarking on the journey of exploring the concept of marginal performance gains is like opening the door to a realm of extraordinary possibilities. The philosophy behind marginal gains theory advocates for achieving remarkable results through the cumulative effect of numerous incremental improvements, each contributing to a 1% boost. Athletes, for instance, exemplify this approach by tweaking various aspects like their diet, attire, or training routine. The beauty lies in the understanding that these seemingly small adjustments, when compounded, lead to significant growth. This principle isn’t confined to the realm of sports but extends its influence into diverse areas of life. As you delve into the details of marginal gains, you’ll find its applicability to personal and spiritual growth, productivity, diet, exercise, and more.  I owe this epiphany to my lovely wife who has used it at work.

Excelsior (Upward)

Shifting the perspective from a traditional cycle to an upward spiral introduces a transformative dimension to the concept of continuous improvement. Instead of envisioning progress as a repetitive loop, we embrace the idea of a spiral, suggesting a constant ascent. This nuanced approach aligns seamlessly with the philosophy of marginal performance gains and echoes the sentiments expressed in my initial blog post on continuous self-improvement. The notion of spiraling upwards emphasizes a trajectory of growth, avoiding the downward descent often associated with cyclical thinking. A dear friend recently urged me to consider this spiral perspective, and it resonated deeply. It’s a reminder that merely going through the motions, akin to running on a treadmill, doesn’t guarantee forward momentum. True progress lies in the commitment to continuous improvement, a steady upward spiral that propels us towards meaningful and sustained advancement.


The realization that individuals hold diverse worldviews has been a profound revelation in my journey of understanding and communication. While it may seem apparent that not everyone perceives the world through the same lens, the significance lies in grasping the underlying beliefs shaping people’s thoughts and decisions. By delving into these foundational perspectives, one can foster improved communication and a deeper comprehension of others. Moreover, recognizing the diversity of worldviews serves as a valuable mirror, prompting a critical examination of one’s own beliefs and their influence on thoughts and behaviors. A captivating exploration of this subject can be found in James Sire’s “The Universe Next Door.” This insightful book, which I first encountered during my exploration of worldviews, delves into the intricacies of Christian missions, emphasizing the need to interact with cultures harboring distinctly different worldviews. The rich terrain of worldviews holds promise for future explorations and I will explore the topic more in future posts.

Cognitive Biases

The exploration of cognitive biases has been a profound revelation, shedding light on the intricacies of human perception and decision-making. Recognizing these biases has granted me a newfound understanding of why individuals might overlook what seems glaringly obvious to me. In the past, I might have harbored judgmental thoughts, questioning why others couldn’t see what appeared as clear as the nose on their face. The revelation, however, is that cognitive biases are inherent in the human brain’s functioning, affecting us all, including myself. This awareness has instilled in me a sense of compassion, prompting a more circumspect approach to my own thinking. It’s a reminder to regularly scrutinize my assumptions, testing them against the backdrop of cognitive biases. Witnessing the impact of these biases on others’ lives and relationships has reinforced the importance of cultivating awareness, reassessing assumptions, and extending grace to ourselves and others who inevitably grapple with these cognitive pitfalls.

Informal Fallacies

My admiration for critical thinking was profoundly shaped by a college professor (Dr. Young) I encountered right after high school. In his critical reading class, he not only instilled in me the importance of meticulous examination of written material but also delved into the realm of informal fallacies. This crucial insight illuminated how flaws in logic can steer us toward false conclusions, subsequently influencing the decisions we make. Much like cognitive biases, the awareness of informal fallacies serves as a guardrail against succumbing to faulty reasoning. This invaluable knowledge has proven to be a guiding light in various facets of my life—be it in the workplace, at home, or in academic pursuits. The ability to identify and avoid informal fallacies has become an indispensable tool, ensuring a more rational and sound approach to decision-making.

Systems Thinking

“Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman stands as a monumental work that has left an indelible impact on my understanding of cognition and decision-making. The revelations from Kahneman’s exploration are nothing short of staggering, offering profound implications for my daily life. I’ve found resonance in his explanations, shedding light on why interruptions while deep in thought can be particularly bothersome or why extended periods of reading can be mentally draining. The distinction between System 1 and System 2 thinking, where the former operates swiftly and intuitively while the latter is slow and deliberate, has become a lens through which I interpret my own cognitive processes. It explains the frustration when interrupted during concentrated work (System 2 thinking) and the moments of mental autopilot during routine activities (System 1 thinking). The applicability of Kahneman’s insights is a daily occurrence, enriching my awareness of the intricacies of the human mind and its decision-making mechanisms.

Emotional Blackmail

The revelation that my tendency to be a people pleaser had roots in childhood experiences unfolded as a challenging chapter in my life. This pattern led to people taking advantage of my accommodating nature, and when I attempted to establish boundaries, some resorted to emotional manipulation and bullying tactics. It wasn’t until a close friend recommended “Emotional Blackmail: When the People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation, and Guilt to Manipulate You” by Susan Forward and Donna Frazier that I gained a profound understanding of the dynamics at play. This insightful book served as a guiding light, enabling me to navigate through emotional manipulation and make impactful decisions in my personal life. It played a pivotal role in the end of my first marriage and continues to influence how I maintain a healthy distance with certain individuals, particularly when faced with emotionally abusive behaviors. Recognizing that manipulators often perceive themselves as victims and resist acknowledging their tactics has empowered me to stand firm against emotional blackmail and reclaim agency over my own well-being.

Interestingly, individuals who engage in emotional abuse often lack self-awareness regarding their behavior, firmly believing that you are the source of the problem. Confronting them by pointing out specific instances from the book “Emotional Blackmail” can be met with resistance and defensiveness. It’s a paradoxical situation where those employing emotional manipulation are taken aback when their tactics are laid bare. The discomfort may escalate to the point where they accuse you of gaslighting, a classic tactic to deflect accountability. It’s a challenging dynamic, but recognizing these patterns and standing firm against such manipulative tactics is crucial for maintaining one’s mental and emotional well-being.

Christian Litmus Test

A significant realization in my spiritual journey came when confronted with the Christian litmus test often applied in certain circles. I’ve witnessed instances where individuals were deemed not true Christians due to differing doctrines, behaviors, or church affiliations, often centered around specific practices like tithing or church attendance. Frustrated by these narrow criteria, I found solace and clarity in Jesus’ own words, a profound revelation that resonates beyond disputes. In John 13:34-35, Jesus provides a straightforward litmus test for his true disciples: love one another… by this everyone will know that you are my disciples. This transcendent command encapsulates the essence of true Christian discipleship, emphasizing love over rituals or doctrines. Rather than engaging in contentious arguments, Jesus offers a unifying benchmark that defines genuine followers of Christ—those who embody and extend His love to others.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35 (NIV)

Spectrum Thinking & Labeling

Embracing spectrum thinking has been a transformative lens through which I approach various aspects of life. The recognition that most things exist on a spectrum, avoiding the constraints of binary extremes, has fundamentally influenced my worldview. This perspective challenges the tendency towards black-and-white thinking, which often oversimplifies complex issues into all-or-nothing dichotomies. The spectrum mindset invites the acknowledgment of probabilities and nuances, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of reality. This revelation isn’t confined to a particular realm; it permeates diverse aspects of life and thought. Interestingly, spectrum thinking intertwines with the cognitive bias known as black-and-white or binary thinking. The reluctance to use labels for myself or others aligns with this ethos, acknowledging the unique and intricate nature of individuals that defies reduction to a singular aspect. The profound implications of spectrum thinking and the pitfalls of labeling merit thorough exploration in future blog posts, as they intricately weave into the fabric of how I perceive and engage with the world.


In reflection, the revelations shared in these posts have proven to be transformative touchstones in my journey, instigating profound shifts in beliefs and behaviors that have undoubtedly contributed to personal growth. These epiphanies, ranging from the power of marginal gains and spectrum thinking to insights on emotional blackmail and Christian litmus tests, have collectively reshaped my perspective on life. The recognition of cognitive biases and the value of continuous self-improvement have served as guiding principles, fostering a more mindful and intentional approach to daily living. I share these insights in the hope that you, the reader, may unearth something resonant or discover a small treasure that sparks positive change in your own life. Each revelation is a beacon of understanding, inviting contemplation and perhaps serving as a catalyst for your own transformative journey. May these reflections inspire curiosity, introspection, and, ultimately, meaningful growth in your unique path of life.

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